Wednesday 20 April 2011

New blog and progress on the third issue of Theda Bara's Babies

Welcome to my new blog, i hope you find it as soft and warm as my old one .
The Bristol international Comics and Zine fair is looming its way towards me and i am still to get anything to the printers. Never fear i am going to get this third issue done in time for May, if it means no sleep and a newly found crack habit...i will get it done.
So here's the work in progress ,typical me holding it up to photobooth as i can't be bothered to scan after a days inking!

You can also admire my parents conservatory and the many Green Men that live in it.

So for the third issue i have decided on a much brighter colour pallet. This is more to symbolise the madness of the Theda character than anything, trying to make it look alot more creepy trippy this time as opposed to Victorian story book. 
Any way the inking is going well soon i will be onto typing then to the printers she shall go.

1 comment:

  1. Im liking the colours! Looks like its going to be well good!!

    Like your new page as well......nice photo!

